Say it! Philosophy. This products is truly amazing! After being fully engrossed in another episode of Oprah's Favorite Things... You know the one? Well that's when we discovered this delightful product.
We didn't exactly go out there and buy it immediately, no not until a good friend of ours recommended it to us.
It was one of those occasions, a typical girly night out, talking about randoms over dinner, complimenting each other, you know how it goes... Wondering whats Hot and whats not. This particular friend of ours skin is glowing and absolutely radiant so we ask what she uses and she tells us Philosoply! She then gives us an insight into the product and claims the whole procedure isn't time consuming at all and that it's as easy as A,B, C.
As Much as we are Hot(sigh), we don't particularly use time consuming things... Its all Natural you see!
Anyways, Ok, so we had to try it out for ourselves. As they say, "Seeing is believing" right?
Guys!! This product is Hot Hot Hot and will not let you down, we promise!
Philosophy beliefs
"the best foundation you will ever own is your own radiant complexion—and thanks to their next-generation skincare collection, wearing makeup is an option instead of a requirement. With years of medical research under their beauty-full belt, the line has created skincare treatments—comparable to those found in top plastic surgery and dermatology practices—that reveal radiantly clear, beautifully bright, and impeccably smooth skin."
Try this one out guys!