Monday, 2 July 2007

"iPhone" - New Toy in Town!

Get ready to Queue ladies & gents...iPhone has arrived!!

Who's ready for the newest and hottest gadget in town? Its sexy, its slick and a roaring 10 on the "You Gotta Have It Top 10 List", HotBabes are pleased to announce the "iPHONE" Ooooooh Yeah!

Friday saw the release of this little beauty in the US...hmmm HotBabes need to touch base with somebody in the USofA...

According to Apple "iPhone introduces an entirely new user interface based on a revolutionary multi-touch display and pioneering new software that allows users to control iPhone with just a tap, flick or pinch of their fingers. iPhone
combines three products into one small and lightweight handheld device—a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod®, and the Internet in your pocket with best-ever applications on a mobile phone for email, web browsing and maps. iPhone ushers in an era of software power and sophistication never before seen in a mobile device, which completely redefines what users can do on their mobile phones."
Just one more thing you need to know....the price is absolutely delightful! A mere $499 (US) for 4GB model and $599 (US) for 8GB model. But if that doesn't have you hooked then please check for more info.
But of course there is a catch! Phone is available for sale in the USofA and on-line. The catch is that the phone can only be purchased with a contract with AT&T who are the exclusive carrier.

Free Credit Card for HotBabes anyone?

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